The Good Times in Mushroom Tunnel

There are few stranger tunnels than this. It has borne witness to more than its fair share of weird events over the years. Disaster after disaster plaguing this odd place. Many locals believe spectres haunt the tunnel. Ghost hunters flock here to experience first-hand the cold and frightening atmosphere. So what is going on in Mushroom Tunnel?

Because of how deteriorated it has become, the tunnel is now too dangerous to walk through. But that doesn’t stop people. That said, when you uncover the truth, why would you want to?

The Redbank Range Railway Tunnel, its official name, is in Picton, a tiny town in Australia. The locals say supernatural beings haunt this eerie spot. They know it as ‘The Mushroom Tunnel’ as it was once used to grow mushrooms.

It’s possible the shrooms still linger in the air…

The Tragedy of the Tunnel

In 1916, Emily Bollard, who lived near the tunnel, went to see her brother. He lived over the hill. But she failed to check the railway timetable that day. And, as she walked through the tunnel, an oncoming train hit her.

She died in an instant, her body carried on the front of the train until it arrived at Picton Station. Since that day, nothing has been quite right in the tunnel.

Many people describe incidents at the tunnel as ‘paranormal’. Tourists take ‘ghost tours’ through the tunnel, while some people come alone. Thousands of people have experienced phenomena here. From disembodied lights to shadows that appear to ‘dance’ across the walls. Some see lights floating above their heads. Others experience sudden temperature drops. Some people hear the noise of an old steam train.

Many people see a woman in white wandering through the tunnel, or appearing in front of them out of nowhere. Others see ghostly children staring right at them. The local underwear shop does some great business…

The tunnel also became a beacon of tragedy. Many people have died in this tunnel, some accidentally, others committing suicide. Those who see the ‘woman in white’ feel a sudden sense of dread. Many people have fled the ghost tours screaming, never the same person again.

But there is more to Picton than one old, dusty tunnel.

The Most Haunted Town of All

According to local legend, the tunnel isn’t the only haunted place in Picton. It’s said a cantankerous matron stalks the halls of the old maternity hospital. Many people have reported hearing the screams of crying babies in silent moments. Others have woken in the night to find a pair of ghostly hands around their necks…

Meanwhile, locals believe three ghosts haunt the Wollondilly Shire Hall. A mischievous little boy. A bearded man in a hat and coat. And a small girl who you can hear but you never see.

Many people hear the jukebox at the Imperial Hotel, coming to life even though it’s unplugged. Staff at the hotel often report feeling uneasy, as if some ‘unknown presence’ lurks.

While nearby, at Stonequarry Creek, many people have drowned. Visitors still hear their dying screams and splashes in the water as they cling to life. But it’s too late.

Something is afoot in Picton. But what?

The Good Times in Mushroom Tunnel

Do the souls of the departed still linger within the stone walls of Mushroom Tunnel?

What is going on here?

The tunnel has seen more than its fair share of tragedy. From suicides to murders and accidental deaths. Not to mention the strange goings-on. Yet tourists flock here for good times. The thrill of the scare. The chance to experience something so unnatural.

What do I believe? I don’t believe any of the recordings or video ‘evidence’ online, it’s easy to fake. And some of the people in those clips are terrible actors. As for the first-hand accounts, it makes sense. In a cold, dark, dusty tunnel, of course, your mind plays tricks on you. Of course, you believe you see the unbelievable. But those things aren’t there. Ghosts do not exist.

Well, not in the literal sense. But if you believe you are seeing the supernatural, then in a way it is real. For everything that has gone on here, it makes sense that logic abandons you. There might be a noise or two in there. But only because it’s a dusty old tunnel An odd light might flicker here and there. But only the holes through the masonary. And you might see an apparition dance across the walks. But it is only the trees casting a shadow, moving in the breeze. But there is no empirical evidence that what people see is what they think it is.

We can explain every strange event that happens here. So is the tunnel haunted? Well, I don’t think so but as for you?

Of course, nothing is stopping you from coming here to find out for yourself. That is, if you dare

I give this tale a mark of 1201.79 using my patented Mystery-o-Meter, putting it 36th in the list of 206, between the Dyatlov Pass Incident and the Beast of Bladenboro, with Lusca bottom and The Buzz of the UVB-76 holding the top spot.

The Mushroom Tunnel. A fascinating mystery indeed.

Ciao :)(:

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